We believe in moving forward without leaving Mother Nature behind. We are here to nurture a lifestyle that isnot just rich from the outside but has deeper values rooted within it, a lifestyle that believes in giving back to the nature.
E-Rex Lithium battery brand with a Research & Development Facility in (Heart) INDIA. Over the past 5 years, we design our product as per Indian climate
E-Rex Battery is the leading supplier of safe, durable, innovative lithium ion, phosphate battery for green mobility and energy power storage system.
Developed at the at E-Rex R&D Facility in collaboration with in field engineers and researchers.
Energy thruster is most advance battery pack,
Our advance technology improve safety and reliability and give thrust
in performance.
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Dealers and Distributors
It is our commitment to make our investor happy and satisfied.
Several Manufactures and Dealers trusted us, It's your turn now.
Contact Us4+
Years in Business
100 Crore+
KWh Power Produced
700 hours+
Dedicated R&D Lab